
LUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing Quadcopters

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Điểm nổi bật

The Lumenier LUX flight controller provides high quality flight control using the powerful F3 processor along with top of the line hardware. Unleash the capabilities of your FPV Racing Quadcopter with the Lumenier LUX Flight Controller. Achieve gyro refresh rates up to 8kHz (high speed SPI) using popular Betaflight and Raceflight firmware along with ultra low looptimes. The LUX comes with CleanFlight pre-installed.

The Lumenier LUX is a very low profile board allowing it to be mounted in a variety of ways. The board also comes with a set of pin headers you can optionaly solder on. Alternatively, signal wires can be soldered directly to the pads to save on size and weight. The LUX supports PPM or Serial RX (including Futaba, FrSky, S.BUS). A signal inverter is already included for S.BUS. Please note: Baseflight firmware is not supported, and PWM input for individual channels is not supported.

Tính năng phần cứng

USB Conflict resolution - Hardware inversion, SBUS or telemetry can be used on any of the 3 available hardware serial ports. USB will not interfere with peripherals.

High Speed SPI 8kHz Gyro.

MPU interrupt connected to F3, allowing the F3 to know immediately when fresh data is available.

Dedicated Boot button for easy firmware flashing.

Reinforced solder pads for trouble-free direct soldering.

Extremely low profile design.

Recessed, sideways pin headers. Also enables soldering of all wires directly to pads without use of any pin headers.

Integrated FRSky RSSI Filter (RC filter).

Input voltage 6v to 24v. Power the board directly from flight pack up to 6S (on 'BAT' pad only!).

VIN + VBAT merged - A single wire to power the board will provide voltage input and Telemetry/OSD voltage data.

Filtered voltage output - output 5v 1A (and 3.3v where applicable) to power peripherals such as GPS, RX, BLACKBOX, OSD. 5v/3.3v RX selectable.

Phần mềm tính năng

Cleanflight support (RACE target).

BLHeli flashing supported by hardware.

Raceflight ready.

Betaflight ready.

Đặc điểm kỹ thuật

Tổng Quát

Kiểu: Bộ điều khiển chuyến bay  
Model: LUX Racer   
Số lượng: 1 Piece 
Tương thích: Multirotor Racing Quadcopters 

STM32F303RCT6(256kB flash) 32-bit processor
MPU6500 Gyro/Accelerometer
High quality, gold plated PCB
Highest quality components, individually sourced to meet Lumenier standards
Đầu nối Micro USB để lập trình

Kích thước & Trọng lượng Kích thước: 36x36x6mm (bao gồm chiều cao USB)
Mounting Holes: 30.5mm square to center of holes 
Trọng lượng: 6g
Nội dung đóng gói 1*Lux Flight Controller
2*2x7 Straight Pin Headers

LUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing QuadcoptersLUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing Quadcopters

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        LUX Racer Flight Controller 32-bit Support PPM Serial RX Flight Controller For Multirotor Racing Quadcopters
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